An audio and video recording of this intriguing event was captured and will be shared here soon, but in the meantime we thought to offer a glimpse of the fun with these photos :)
As participation in modern society bears psychological, physiological, macroeconomic and technological implications we don't necessarily pause to think about in our daily lives, its rare to find a chance to share such inquiry with other people.
Dark Futures is an annual event series hosted across Canada - with 2019 dates which were held in Vancouver and Toronto (held at StartWell on November 28, 2019), hosted/produced by Futurist speaker Nik Badminton.
5 Speakers took to the stage to speak about the hidden systems that affect our daily lives (whether we are aware of it or not), including:
- Oksana Andreiuk - "You’re already a cyborg and it’s about to get weirder."
- Calla Lee – "Tinder³"
- Melissa Eshaghbeigi - "It’s 2039, you’re either stressed, depressed or cancelled."
- Geoff Snack – "New materiality: Things that don’t exist"
- Nikola Danaylov – "NeoTechnocracy: The Future is Worse than You Think"