Fort York National Historic Site

Preserved as a 43-acre archeological park, Fort York is where British soldiers, First Nations warriors and Upper Canadian militiamen stood together against the United States and its mission to capture Toronto in the War of 1812. The bloody Battle of York that ensued was a dark and dramatic moment in the history of the city.

Feel the past come to life. Relive moments of the battle through an immersive multimedia experience. Be inspired by the stories of unsung heroes and those who defended our city, while fighting against their own oppressions. Drawing upon primary sources, including military records, letters, memoirs, and oral accounts, Fort York will engage in the inclusion of Indigenous narratives and stories. We strive to better understand the experiences of persons from historically deserving communities who served in the defense of York (Toronto) and Upper Canada during the war and the pivotal role they played throughout the conflict.

Getting there from StartWell

Meeting room rentals at StartWell in Toronto

Book any of our meeting rooms or venues on-demand for small or large company gatherings. We include presentation technology with complimentary barista service and a great vibe that your team will love.

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